About Montague Catholic Social Ministries (MCSM)

MCSM's mission is to strengthen, encourage, and support people in our community through outreach, family education, positive conflict resolution, leadership development, and group empowerment.

MCSM was founded in 1994 by three local parishes in response to crisis of violence in the community. At that time, Turners Falls had one of the highest rates of domestic violence in the state of Massachusetts. People from the neighborhoods came together to address the problem by creating a system of support, making neighborhoods safer for all.

Since that time we have been listening and responding to the needs of our neighbors. As the ever-shifting demands of society play themselves out in Franklin County, MCSM is there as the Little Agency With A Big Heart. Walking with those that are the most vulnerable during the unforeseen predicaments to stay the course to recovery and productive lives. Together, the act of caring for each other and working for justice is who we are.

We believe that every individual/family has the power to make positive changes by focusing on their skills and strengths to meet their own needs. Though hospitality without distinction and working for social change rather than building dependency we walk with people, wherever they are in their journey. MCSM has many doors to walk through- Basic Needs, Family Center, Women's Center, and Home Visiting. The intimate scale of wrap-around support cultivates an environment in which each person matters.

An independent non-profit serving Montague and Franklin County

For updates on programs and events, please visit us on Facebook!