"Play is the highest form of research," by Albert Einstein.

We are the Coordinated Family Community Engagement Program (CFCE) for the Gill Montague Regional School District, located at the Family Center of Montague Catholic Social Ministries. For the latest CFCE program updates visit us on Facebook!

We offer child development information, transition supports, early intervention referrals, the ASQ assessment, parent education, family literacy, weekly playgroups, and school readiness programs. We sponsor many educational activities in the community. We also provide assistance with basic needs, resource supports, and information to help navigate life's many challenges.

Your local CFCE meets all of the state’s guidelines for early learning and is sponsored by the Massachusetts Department of Early Learning and Care. Go to:

We offer kindergarten readiness programs and other school transition activities in partnership with the Gill Montague Regional School District. To connect to the District visit: Gill-Montague Regional School District

Currently on-site Wednesday.

The Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) is a screening tool to help learn about your child’s development and find ways to enhance and guide their learning experience. You can access the online portal here: ASQ

General Events

For updates on programs and events, please visit us on Facebook!