Welcome To Fatherhood! Gentlemen, Start Your Engines.

Father’s BBQ, July 2013

There are not many guys in the world who can actually say they were ready to be a father — or knew how to be one — before it happened." from "A Driver's Manual for New Dads", www.otda.state.ny.us

Men at the Father's July BBQ in Turners Falls, wished that "fatherhood" could be honored the way "motherhood" is. Being a father is an experience that many men share, but often they don't realize how important they are to their children's future! More studies are being done on the impact fathers have throughout their kid's lives. It doesn't matter whether they live with their children's mother or just share parenting. Girls who are close to their dads grow up to be more emotionally stable, guys with fathers who are involved in their lives are less likely to drop out of school and usually have higher incomes. * In Turners Falls on the day after Father's Day this year, 45 men and women met to talk about "Raising Boys to Become Healthy Men", sponsored by the "Men's Engagement Network (MEN)" of Franklin and Hampshire counties.

Every year, men from all over New England gather at the New England Fathering Conference to share stories and learn from each other. www.nefatheringconference.org In Franklin County, young fathers from the Franklin County House of Correction are gathering with other fathers every month at Montague Catholic Social Ministries to figure out how to be great fathers. Most say, just being present and actively involved is number #1. Steve Hussey and David Connors, both fathers themselves who co-facilitate the group every other Friday night from 5-7 at 78 Avenue A, say they are inspired by the fathers' candid conversation, their willingness to share and their acceptance of each other. "These guys have a lot to offer themselves, their families and other men in the community…the meetings prove to me, beyond the shadow of a doubt that mistakes, criminal involvement, addiction and even pre-meditated poor decision-making takes a back seat to a man's love for his child", David Connors. "There is no job we will eve have that is more important than our role as fathers. Together we can figure out how to be great ones." Steve Hussey.

The group is open to all. Call Steve or David at 413-863-4804 x 1004 for more information or text
Vickie at 413-883-4768.

© 2012 The Fatherhood Project Department of Psychiatry, MA General Hospital, Parkman Street / Boston, MA 02114

Fun activities to do with your baby:

  • THE STARING CONTEST. Stare at your baby. See who will blink first. Babies love to stare at people. You'll have a battle on your hands!
  • PLAY KANGAROO! Strap on a baby carrier, pop the baby in, and go on about your business. Rake leaves, wash the car, and play with the dog. Your kid will love every minute.
  • READ THE SPORTS PAGE OUT LOUD! Your baby will love to listen to you, but she won't have a clue what you're saying. So read stuff YOU LIKE. She won't mind. Read the sports page, the want ads, and the TV listings. To her it's a nursery rhyme. www.otda.state.ny.us

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