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Donations to the Basic Needs Program

The MCSM Emergency Basic Needs Program provides emergency concrete needs in the form of free food and clothing, furniture, household items, supplies of diapers and other new born essentials as well as vouchers for food and clothing through a partnership with Salvation Army.  The Basic Needs Program is a conduit for individual donors and other programs (from faith communities as well as local colleges and universities) to help families in need receive gifts, winter clothing and food baskets at various holidays. Ongoing clothing and food exchanges in MCSM’s Family and Women’s Centers are an important resource for families who attend programs.  In past years, Basic Needs at MCSM has received a small amount of FEMA funding through United Way of Franklin County to assist families who have economic challenges with utilities. 

Basic Needs started out as small individual responses to needs brought to MCSM’s door by community members. Through listening to family’s expressed needs, it developed into a systematic practice and gateway to many of MCSM’s and community partners programs, for education, connections to neighbors, food, housing, employment and other services. 

Emergency Basic Needs Program is open Wednesdays from 9-12noon for walk-ins and by appointment.  Help provided through Basic Needs includes:

  • Emergency Food Bags
  • Housing Help
  • Utility Arrearage Assistance
  • Information & Referrals to Other Services
  • Salvation Army Food & Clothing Vouchers for residents of Montague/Gill/Erving
  • Franklin County Diaper Distribution Center
  • Workshops on relevant, practical topics; Individual assistance with forms required for services and making connections to support.

For updates on programs and events, please visit us on Facebook!