Intro to Mosaic Workshop for Women

Friday, May 29, 2015, 10:00 am until 2:00 pm
One space left!

Free Mosaics Workshop with Edite Cunhã at Turners Falls Women’s Resource Center

The Turners Falls Women’s Resource Center (TFWRC) program of Montague Catholic Social Ministries (MCSM) is happy to announce that Edite Cunhã will offer a second Introduction to Mosaic Workshop on Friday, May 29 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Women’s Resource Center, 41 Third Street in Turners Falls.

 Mosaic is an ancient decorative art made with colored small pieces of glass, stone, minerals, and fragments of pottery or other material.  In this introductory workshop, participants will learn the basics of this beautiful art form while creating a decorative tile. The workshop will cover design, technique, materials, tools, process, and a bit of history, as well. Materials and tools will be provided, but participants may want to bring some bits of broken pottery, sea glass, shells, or other tokens that are special to them, to make their mosaic really personal. Those who participated in last spring’s workshop may work on a three-dimensional piece.  Due to space limitations, The workshop is limited to 8 participants. Sign up early by calling TFWRC Programs Coordinator, Christine Diani, at (413) 863-4804, ext. 1003 or email

Edite Cunhã is a writer, artist, educator and founder of the Smashing China Mosaic Studio.

This workshop is supported in part by a grant from Massachusetts Cultural Council, through Montague Local Cultural Council. 

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